Empowering The Villages' women residents to embrace
the twists and turns along their golden journey.
We want you to be excited about this stage in your life! You have come this far. You earned your stripes. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled. This is YOUR time!
We want you to enjoy the abundance of opportunities that retirement and The Villages lifestyle provide. We want to engage and empower you to make your golden chapter, your best chapter!
Whether you are single, married, widowed, retired, or working, everyone struggles with life's challenges and battles with their inner self from time to time. We are here to give you fresh perspectives, tips, techniques, and the inspiration needed to keep moving forward towards contentment and fulfillment.
Using a format of engaging and energizing activities, speakers, and table break-out discussions during monthly meetings, The Villages Empower Your Power Lifestyle Club (EYP) is a personal growth club that provides The Villages' women residents, regardless of marital or employment status, the tools, inspiration, and support to create a happy, healthy, and productive golden chapter lifestyle.
If you are a woman resident of The Villages, Florida, please join our energizing personal growth club to get empowered; to get engaged; to get going.
We meet the 1st Monday of the month from 5-630pm at Rohan Recreation Center.
Meetings are free and do not require RSVP.
All Villages' snowbirds and full-time residents are welcomed!
*Resident ID Required
*Please know professional networking and solicitation are strictly prohibited.
Click HERE t o Download Our Club Flyer
EMPOWER Definitions from Oxford Languages
Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
Empowerment is much more than getting out of your home to play golf, pickleball, cards, or dance in the squares. Being empowered is being self-sufficient in your thoughts and actions. You hold the power to do what’s best for you. You have the power to be happy.
You are strong.
You are resilient.
You are worthy, and you matter.
You hold the power!
Heck Yea!

Life is a journey. Retirement is a journey too. With older adults living longer than ever before, today’s retirement journey can last 10-30+ years. There are many twists and turns full of fun, joy, and sorrow during this second stage of life.
Learning how to navigate the second stage of life, takes self-awareness and planning for the unexpected challenges. Retirement is a time to rediscover who you are and create a lifestyle that brings you authenticity, independence, and contentment.
While rediscovering who we truly are can be scary, it is mostly empowering and joyful to live an authentic life. When you live according to your own values, unique interests, and abilities, you will live your life more content, purposeful, and fulfilled.
If you keep saying to yourself any of the following phrases, join us to overcome these common challenges and thrive during your fabulous golden chapter:
I am stuck and need something new in my life.
I am doing well but want to maintain my momentum.
I am my worst critic and beat myself up for not doing what I need to do.
I want to learn how to move forward and make my life more enjoyable.
I procrastinate too much.
I am too stressed out and worry too much about things that are out of my control.
I recently retired and am struggling with the huge transition.
I am no longer in the honeymoon stage of retirement.
I am a self-improvement enthusiast and love being reminded about healthy practices.
I lost my spouse or partner and am on my own now.
I am at a crossroads and restless with what change(s) to make in my life.
I need to re-create a new life for myself.
I feel out of alignment with my current life situation.
I have lost my identity.
I cannot forgive myself or others for mistakes made in the past. I have regrets.
I possess an “I’m too old. It’s-too-late mindset.”
I have no purpose or meaning in my life.
I am not confident in my own skin to be my authentic self.
I want to be more independent in my relationship.
I want to feel comfortable about dating again.
I cannot say “no” or set boundaries and limits.
I want to make new friends and find my tribe.
Something is missing.
I am bored with me.
I struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I always wanted to (?) but cannot get motivated to do it.
I want to be around like-minded, supportive women.
I want to have fun.
I want to be happy.